आगंतुक गणना


देखिये पेज आगंतुकों

Skill development training for Micro Irrigation technician program

Skill development training on Micro Irrigation technician was organized under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) under flagship scheme of the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE) by ICAR-CISH, PFDC Lucknow under collaboration with National Committee on Plasticulture Application in Horticulture, New Delhi as per guidelines and qualification pack of Agricultural Skill Council of India (ASCI) for 200 working hours. The trainee participants were from different parts of India, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, and Andhra Pradesh, nominated by Director Horticulture Uttar Pradesh Government with consultation of micro irrigation industries involved in Uttar Pradesh for micro irrigation. The objective of the training was to promote entrepreneurship Among Micro Irrigation Technicians by development of skill in micro irrigation using latest techniques, tools and technologies in agriculture and micro irrigation industry to make mission of Government of India "More crop per drop" successful. The course curriculum as communicated by ASCI covered theory and practical classes on various topics pertaining to design and layout and installation of micro irrigation system, Care and maintenance, problems and possible solutions in micro irrigation, management strategy to cope up with emergent situations like accidents, fire. The resource persons were scientific and technical staff from the ICAR, CISH Lucknow. The specialized resource persons were invited from ICAR-IARI New Delhi, Division .of Irrigation & Drainage, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, Division of Irrigation & Drainage ICAR- CIAE-Bhopal, Jain Irrigation Pvt. Lid Lucknow, and ICAR - National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources (NBAIR), Bengaluru, keeping in view their vast expertise in field of micro irrigation to train the trainees in a better way. Practical classes were held at ICAR-CISH laboratories, farm (block–II) and nursery block (Block–I) under the supervision of concerned trainers. Exposure visits of participants were also arranged to demonstration blocks of micro irrigation, ICAR- IISR, Lucknow, Krishi Vigyan Kendra Lucknow and Micro Irrigation demonstration plot of Jain Irrigation at farmer’s field at Lucknow. Third party assessment was made by Agriculture Skill Development Council of India. The success rate of trainees was 96.66 %